Saturday, March 20, 2010

Australia: Week One!

It's been nearly a week since I first arrived in Australia! It has taken a while to relax and reflect on my first week here on exchange. Having intentionally missed out on the First Year Orientation shenanigans at McMaster, this whole experience has been completely new for me. Each night has a fun event to attend - and that is where I have met most of my friends! Although my liver hates me for it, going along to pubs every night has turned out to be a great way to socialize.

In terms of the city itself, Wollongong is exactly what I was looking for. Our residence is a five minute walk to the beach, and in the opposite direction, it faces an absolutely breathtaking mountain. There is free transportation to the Uni as well as to the local Mall. Beyond that, the city is home to a huge steel factory (not unlike the one in Hamilton) as well as Botanical Gardens, and a gorgeous lighthouse.

The residence that I am staying on is called Campus East and it is home to 600 students (both international and Australian). The campus (residence) itself is divided into neighborhoods: The Hospital (Postgrad), Alcatraz, Scotland Yard, Slums and Trenchtown. I have the pleasure of residing in the Slums – and yes, it’s name does it justice. Places like Scotland Yard have a common area consisting of a communal kitchenette and dining table. This part of Campus East is extremely sociable and hosts a lot of the pre-drinking parties. The slums however are units of 3-4 (I believe) who share a bathroom. We do not have a common area and the consensus among Slums kids is that it is an anti-social “neighborhood” in which to be housed. Therefore, we all make the trek across the lawn to hang out in “the Yard”.

Uni starts tomorrow for most kids, however, I have a three day schedule and do not start classes until Tuesday! Hooray!

(I recognize that this post is 3 weeks late, it was written, but never posted.)

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